Esther Ministry

When the turn came for Esther (the young woman Mordecai had adopted, the daughter of his uncle Abihail) to go to the king, she asked for nothing other than what Hegai, the king's eunuch who was in charge of the harem, suggested. And Esther won the favour of everyone who saw her.

Esther 2:15, NIV

Who we are

The ladies (Estherites) are taught the Word and to apply them in daily living in submission to God as led by His Spirit and authority, just as Queen Esther did, and found favour with God and men (Esther 2:15).

What we believe

Building and renewing His people in Christ, for the glory of our Heavenly Father.

We believe in the renewal of the mind and the transformation of our lives through Christ Jesus.  Husbands are also welcomed to attend the meetings.

What we do

We meet on three consecutive Fridays in a month. It is held each month on the 2nd Friday, meeting in person. On the 3rd and 4th Fridays, the meetings are held on-line. At our meetings, we worship, share testimonies, learn God’s words and pray.


Our experiences in Christ

New Life in Christ


Apple Nawiran

My Testimony

I have learnt a lot in Esther ministry. I have learned to apply the teachings of the Holy Bible in my daily life. I applied the teachings to the situations I encountered. For example, one day I felt disappointed and angry thinking about bad things. So I prayed, “Lord, please create a clean heart in me and renew a right spirit within me” Psalm 51:10.
I pray for this teaching over myself every day. Every morning when I wake up, I want to be a new creation in Christ and leave the old man.




Audrey Lim

My Testimony

I am reminded by Elder Ai Boon to follow Jesus’ example by dying to self. I have to carry my own cross which is to die daily to my old self. For me personally, they are outbursts of anger, pride and negative thoughts. I can only do this by relying on Jesus, and not on my own strength as without God I can do nothing! I’m constantly renewing my mind with the Word of God and by repentance and prayer. This enables me to rely on the grace of God to empower me to bear fruit. If my character is not transformed to be like Christ, then I can’t call myself a follower of Jesus Christ.

Warm fellowship


Lydia Tan

My Testimony

When I first came to City Mission Church, I did not know anyone from the church. The elders helped me to have a smooth transition to the church by introducing me to the people in the Esther Ministry. I enjoyed all the activities organised by the Esther Ministry. Though I was new to the church, the people in the Esther Ministry were friendly and they made me feel at home. After service, we spent time praying for the church as well as for one another. We felt safe and comfortable to share our problems and to encourage and minister to one another. My spiritual life grew when I attended the weekly teaching by Elder Ai Boon. Her teaching was practical and inspiring. The leaders in the Esther Ministry recognised the gifts and talents in every member and they tried to organise activities so that we can serve one another with our gifts and talents. We learned how to cook Thai food from a sister. Occasionally, they would check in on me to see that I am ok.

Prayer Walk

Walk & Pray for Singapore as a family @Fort Canning Park

29th July 2023

Chinese New Year Gathering

First Chinese New Year Gathering after Covid in 2023

Join Esther Ministry

If you are inspired by the testimony, or have any need feel free to message us, we will contact you soon !

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