You are the Potter, and I am the clay;
You are the Artist, and I am the paint;
You are the Writer, and I am Your song.
I will be Your instrument my whole life long.
Mould me, change me, color me
In shades of You.
Play through me, sing through me,
So when they look at me,
They will only see who You are.
Create in me Your work of art.
Shannon Wexelberg
The above extract taken from the song, “Work of Art”,
Speaks of the heart of CityMissionsChurch worship team.
What is worship
Worship is an outward expression of an inner posture. Music is one of the many avenues through which we express our adoration, gratitude and reverence towards God.

The Team
The Word of God says, “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks.”
(John 4:23)
In CMC worship ministry, we constantly seek to identify and train up worshippers who have the hearts after God’s own heart, a generation of worshippers who choose to be set apart for His use, serving with a heart of humility and spirit of excellence.